Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Guess What??

As a lot of you all know Erik and I have been trying for a baby ever since we tied the knot.  We both knew that a family was the number one priority to both of us and we didn't want to waste anytime.  Just a disclaimer, (but don't tell any of the high schoolers this) but my teacher in sex ed class lied.  It isn't that easy to get pregnant.  The stars have to align just right in order for it to happen.  Some of my friends had it so easy, where they just looked at the opposite sex and wholah!  Preggo!  Erik and I had our frustrating moments where we questioned if it would ever happen for us.  Everything was so easy for us, meeting and falling in love and everything happened right on time because it was meant to be. We were just wondering when it would be our turn.  It never fails, every time we would turn around, someone else was pregnant. While we were so happy for the people that were pregnant, we just wanted the chance to be a mom and a dad ourselves.  Wednesday, April 6, 2011.  I went home and decided to take a test.  After all, I was used to this by now and I had taken several in the last 8 months and I was expecting the same negative result. After about 3 mins, I looked at the test and was not sure if my eyes were playing a trick on me, so I asked dear hubbie to come look at the test.  Erik said, " I think there is something there but it is too light to tell."  I have seen evaporated lines in the past, so I chalked it up to nothing and went to bed.  Thursday, April 7, 2001 I woke up at 5:45 in the morning and thought, hmm I want to take another to make sure I wasn't going crazy.  I was still half asleep and almost immediately, there is was the most beautiful plus sign in the world!  I opened the bathroom door and yelled at Erik to get his butt out of bed and come look!  I thought I had lost it and I was still asleep and dreaming.  Erik walked in stumbling and can barely see, but said that he sees the same thing.  Our prayers had come true!  We were pregnant!  We were both so happy! I went to the doctor that next Monday and it was confirmed that I was indeed with child.  Erik and I were so excited and we couldn't wait to tell our parents and close family and friends.  We knew we needed to keep it from the whole world for a little longer to make sure that everything was ok.   Thurs, April 28, 2001.  Erik and I went back to the Doctor to have our first sonogram.  I was 7 weeks pregnant.  The Sono Tech looks at my belly and we couldn't believe our eyes.  That precious heart was beating and we could see the little heart flicker!  GOD is good and we are so blessed!  The baby is actually measuring 6 weeks and that puts us at a Due Date of December 23, 2011.  What a Christmas Present!  We are so happy to become parents and can't wait to hold our little precious bundle of joy this winter! I will keep everyone posted on the pregnancy.  Here is our sonogram at 6 weeks of Baby Wilson.



  1. Congrats! Once it finally happens its so exciting and it never ends. Ors is turning 6 and we still can't believe it! Sam D.

  2. Yay! Yay! Yaaaaaayyyy! I am so excited for the months to come! Please be sure to keep us all up to date on little baby Wilson's progress! I am super excited to hear about how he/she is growing and your progress too! Nursery decorations... names to choose from... Ah! This is going to be so AWESOME!! Congratulations to you both!

  3. Congratulations!!! I know you 2 will be great parents!! So what are ya'll hoping for, boy or girl?

  4. He/she will be just a year younger than our little Wyatt, Libby's grandson, Katryna's boy, born this last December. Humm--I am thinking that about 2015 would be a good time for a Wilson reunion--lots of little kiddos around! I'll give you the Valium you will need meeting the rest of the Wilsons, Kelly. :-)

  5. Awwe, congratulations guys!! Parenthood is the BEST!!!!!!!
