Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cry It Out?

As Kenadie is almost 2 months old, we have read that this is the time that their little brains are growing so fast that they are beginning to start developing  sleep habits.  We are afraid that Kenadie has already started with some that are not positive.  She doesn’t like to be put down to sleep.  She wants to be held all the time.  As much as I would love to hold her and keep her a baby forever, I know that she needs to develop healthy sleep habits and Erik and I would like some sound slumber as well.  I know there are several parents who think that co sleeping is ok.  We have resulted to doing that only a few times for just an hour or so if she wouldn’t settle down.  Not to mention it is dangerous in my opinion with as sleep deprived as we both are and I fear blankets getting too close to her face.  I don’t think that is a good idea and I never get sound sleep when I have had to do that.  The other method that people talk about is the “Cry It Out” method.  This was developed by a pediatrician, Dr. Richard Ferber. This is a very controversial topic. I have learned that people look down on you if you so choose to try this method, just like it is the same if you don’t breastfeed. I also read a study that letting your infant cry for long periods of time can make them loose brain cells and that is not a good thing for their fast growing brains. Erik and I really don’t want to try the “Cry It Out” method unless that is the LAST resort. I can’t stand to hear her cry longer than a few minutes. It breaks my heart, so I am hoping that it doesn’t come down to that. Last night we tried soothing her for a couple of minutes until her eye lids started getting heavy and then put her down. She would then, do the typical Kenadie thing and immediately wake up and be ready to play. She stayed like that for a while and then she would get fussy and we would give her the “paci” and comfort her and then put her back down to try and learn to soothe herself. She was happy and content for the most part and finally fell asleep after about an hour by herself without having to be rocked or held to go to sleep! HALLELUJAH, let’s hope that this isn’t a fluke and that this easy and wonderful behavior will continue. I like this sleep method! Happy Baby = Happy Parents.

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