Monday, January 23, 2012

The last leg..

Hey folks, Husband here with tales of child rearing from a male point of view. As most of you are aware the wife and I were pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby girl, but there's so much to tell about the trials and triumphs of pregnancy to childbirth. While pregnancy was no picnic, I shall chronicle the things I miss about it:

  1. Sleep: The third trimester was kind of a chore when it came to sleeping sound as the wife was up multiple times relieving herself, but I could get a full eight hours of sleep, where now I'm lucky to get four.
  2. Eating whatever the hell you want: When you have a pregnant wife you must get her the food she's craving if you're interested in peace. That gives you an excuse to eat till your heart's content, because no woman wants to see their man consume a low calorie salad while they eat waffles covered in bacon syrup.
  3. Watching your wife enjoy a fine meal: When you have a pregnant wife, watching her eat the food she's craving is akin to seeing a child open their Christmas presents. Rarely will she look more happy.
  4. Playing video games/reading/watching moves the wife hates: When the wife was pregnant, she would like to sleep as much as humanly possible. This left me with all kinds of time to play some games, read books, and/or watch films she has no interest in seeing. Now that I have a baby my first priority is to get sleep whenever possible, hobbies and entertainment be damned.
  5. The ability to leave the house in a timely fashion: When the wife was pregnant, going somewhere wasn't much of a chore. Now that we're parents we have to double and triple check each and every item we will be bringing with us, because leaving an important item at home could prove disastrous.
  6. Working from home: Before when I worked from home and was on a conference call, the only interruptions I really had to worry about were my dogs. Now I have a baby crying whenever she wants something, on top of dogs who choose to bark at their own shadows.
"I am not finding pregnancy much of a joy. I am afraid of childbirth, but I am afraid I can't find a way of avoiding it." - Brigitte Bardot

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