Friday, February 10, 2012

I'm a child care provider

Hey folks, husband here with some interesting news about your fatherness. According to the current US Census Bureau a man watching their kids is a babysitter. No seriously. According to their report, Who's Minding the Kids?,which is none of their damn business, but whatever, the mother is the primary parent and when she watches the kids it's called motherhood. Since God never intended a person without ovaries to care for crotch fruit, the Bureau considers it a child care arrangement.

This is fascinating to me, as we are in 2012 and I thought we're all about progressing towards equality, but since I'm a child care provider, can I garnish my wife's wages when she works on Sundays and I'm at home with Kenadie? Can I write off expenses that I use to care for her during those days? Does the Census Bureau consider child rearing only women's work and men are just there to drink beer, watch TV, make messes, and fart repeatedly?

See I'm a progressive sort and I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way...uhh...anyways why should anyone be considered the designated parent based on their gender is laughable, if not insulting. See in my household my wife sees me as her equal and trusts that I can take care of a child just as good as she can stop laughing now.

Seriously, I wonder why the Census Bureau even needs to collect this data at all, or why they thought putting titles on a parent's gender was a good idea. What I don't understand is how this applies to gay couples. In the case of two men, are they both child care givers? Two women are both designated parents? Why can't they just call them parents and leave it at that?

“Regardless of how much families have changed over the last 50 years women are still primarily responsible for work in the home. We try to look at child care as more of a form of work support.” -Lynda Laughlin of the Census Bureau’s Fertility and Family Statistics Branch.

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